Kirby Kelloggs
3 min readOct 11, 2021


HELLP – A medical ghost story

If you’ve found this post then it’s likely you’ve suffered from HELLP, (a serious complication of high blood pressure during pregnancy), either that or you are a big fan of Korg from the Marvel Universe and want to understand the connection.

Let’s start by naming the ghost of this story: HELLP Syndrome, AKA haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count; the cause of the condition is not known.

I had HELLP syndrome in my first pregnancy. Which meant for me, my son was born prematurely at 32 weeks and my liver and kidneys failed. I spent 4 days in ICU on a cocktail of drugs which made me think dragons existed. Followed by getting a 12 cm shunt inserted into my neck to connect with the valve closest to my heart which led to 3 days of kidney dialysis while at the same time pumping milk every three hours to maintain supply.

Despite all this (after approx 3 years) I decided I wanted another baby. Luckily our first born is healthy following a rough start, it took 2 years for him to ‘catch up’ but otherwise we were both incredibly lucky and supported by amazing health staff in Darwin, Northern Territory Australia.

In searching and seeking advice on whether I should have a second baby, nothing I found online was very helpful.

Internet: Having it (HELLP Syndrome) during your first pregnancy will increase your chances of having it during your second and subsequent pregnancies.

Me: Okay but there must be ways to prevent it?

Internet: HELLP syndrome isn’t preventable.

Me: But I’d know what to expect this time right? I mean other people have taken these risks? What about….. (Insert multiple articles and blogs about second and third babies being born without the complications of HELLP syndrome)…. Oh and multiple sets of flawed statistics because most sane people don’t try a second time.

Me: Hey Husband- what do you think?

Husband: I just want you to be safe.

Me: Hmmm, I’ll ask my friends …. then realises most friends have their own finding a partner and/or fertility shit to deal with…

Me: Heads back to the internet

The article or advice I was searching for I never found, I found a lot of content from religious people who said God helped them decide, I found stories of more complications and even worse stories without a happy ending.

I realised that, no one can help you make this decision, you have to decide how to deal with your own issues and feelings… so I told my ghosts to ‘Piss Off’ and essentially jumped on a space ship…

We had a crack (yes, that is Australian for we had some sexy unprotected sex) and now we’re 20 weeks pregnant with number 2. I’m scared, anxious and excited all at once. My husband is probably even more anxious then me.

Our six years olds excitement and care for his unborn brother or sister is amazing. I’m channeling good vibes and crossing all my fingers and toes.

Wish us luck, I’ll write a series of these if the interest is there, and let me know if you ever want a chat about the ghosts of HELLP Syndrome.



Kirby Kelloggs

I’m a thirty-something from Darwin Australia, I like to write and my friends tell me I’m ‘kind of funny’. If you like dry humour, join me in the sun.